Day 4 of 365

By oldtestamentsobriety

Genesis 2:18 – “…It is not good for man to be alone; I will make him a helper corresponding to him.” Whatever your marital status, the program encourages you to work hard on your primary…

Day 2 of 365: Genesis 1:5

By oldtestamentsobriety

Genesis 1:5 – “God called to the light: “Day,” and to the darkness He called: “Night.” And there was evening and there was morning, one day.” God separates light from darkness. When we are in…

Day 1 of 365 – Genesis 1:1

By oldtestamentsobriety

Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning of God’s creating the Heavens and the earth…” God created the world and everything in it. If we ever needed a quick wakeup call about who we are, where…