Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning of God’s creating the Heavens and the earth…”
God created the world and everything in it. If we ever needed a quick wakeup call about who we are, where we and all that we value comes from, we need to read no further than this opening line of The Torah. Everything is in His hands. Your life, your success or failure – in life and recovery, is in God’s hands. The one that is powerful enough to create the world can be the Higher Power that can give you the strength to deliver you from addiction. Everything that you have, all your possessions, all your money, comes from God. In recovery, it helps to remember this fact. If you think, “I made this money myself. I did it myself. I relied on myself,” – that is self-seeking, and self-involvement that can interfere with recovery. If you trust in God to give you the income and possessions you need, that you can handle, and no more, then you can begin to be satisfied with what you have. You will start to worry less about financial insecurity, a big driver of addiction and relapse.
Interested in more daily reflections on sobriety based on inspiration from the Old Testament? Our book of daily reflections and 12-step workbook can be resources for you in recovery.